Without doubt lions are the laziest cats I have ever worked with but nothing can compare to sitting around a campfire or lying in a tent and hearing wild lions roaring nearby. Lions can spend 20-22 hours a day sleeping sometimes but for those waking hours to see these powerful beasts on the move patrolling , playing or hunting can be spectacular.The images in this gallery are of African Lions taken in Kenya, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Lions are not one of the animals that spring to most peoples minds when they talk of an animal being endangered but the population of lions in Africa has plummeted from 200,000 to approximately 20,000 today.
The problems all come from the rise in human populations worldwide and the demands that that brings with it, from conflict with the populations that live on all sides of the national parks that the lions are mainly confined to to being killed for the bushmeat trade or for the traditional medicine trade in Asia where every part of the lion is used in various cures and remedies - none of which have been proven to have any medicinal benefit . An organisation called WildAid has been doing some incredible work in regard to protecting these animals and running educational campaigns in Asia.